Top Eight Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me:
1. I incessantly pluck off the fifth leaf on clover. I like to believe that if I make a few homemade four-leaf clovers, it'll eventually make someone's day.
2. I hate peanut butter. HATE IT. It has the weirdest texture ever and it gets stuck to the roof of your mouth. There is no way possible to eat peanut butter in a ladylike manner, and therefore I refrain from eating it whenever possible. Except in Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Otherwise, it's just gross.
3. It's incredibly hard for me to stop smiling on command. Actually, it's physically impossible. I don't smile all the time, but I can't stop if you tell me to.
4. My two favorite music artists are Bing Crosby and Grandmaster Flash. Swing music takes precedence everyday except when I'm at the gym, where the rhymes of Grandmaster Flash rule supreme.
5. I refuse to eat hamburgers in public. I have a strange, ritualistic way of eating them that I know people would make fun of me for, so I will never ever order one in front of you. Ever.
6. I don't have a collection of any kind--though I've always wanted to start one--but I do sort of collect Googles. Whenever Google changes for a national holiday, celebrity's birthday, or what-have-you, I secretly save it on my computer. I think I have about 28 or so as of now.
7. I really, really, really like Family Guy. It's kind of embarrassing. I haven't seen every episode, and I can't quote it without totally slaughtering the joke, but it's hilarious in a you-don't-have-to-think-about-it kind of way that late-at-night-and-pretty-punchy me really appreciates.
8. I've never dyed my hair...ever. Or had alcohol. Or even seen a Rated R movie the whole way through. I don't know why...I just haven't.
Well, that's it for Show and Tell.

Well, that's it for Show and Tell.

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