Saturday, September 18, 2010

good music, good people, GOOD DAY

There are some days that are just so blatantly awesome that you know you'll remember them forever.
You know what I mean.
That one time you won the second grade spelling bee or went on your first date or found your favorite long-lost sweater.
Days that will go down in infamy....obviously.
The best part about this particular genre of days is recognizing its blatant awesomeness before the day actually ends, so you can take full advantage of the time you have left in the 24 hours to put your best efforts towards making it infamously incredible.
Today is one of those days.
Not for anything in particular...just because I physically cannot stop smiling (which, to those of you who haven't yet picked up on my off-handed description, suggests the rather delirious state of happiness in which I existed today).
So much so, in fact, that a random passerby stopped me to inquire just what I was smiling about.


To everyone out there, I hope your day was as wonderful as mine...even if you did nothing at all noteworthy :) Goodnight :)

If you want to get a glimpse into my mood today, here's a little something that might help you out: click here.
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