Monday, March 1, 2010

Bygones, Gone by

The world as I know it is an exchange. Civilization is, in my opinion, the culmination of events whether insignificant or momentous in occasion, a constant gnawing and thrashing of ideas exchanged between persons on an everyday basis. Are we nothing but a series of learned events and memories? Each of us is the product of a delightful concoction of experiences that determine who we are: a Ferris wheel ride as a child whose rickety finish and creaking, croaking emissions instilled a fear of heights in us at such a susceptible age + saying hello to a familiar face in the very first class of the year and now having the best friend a girl could ask for + laughing so hard with your siblings over absolutely nothing at all, and having fits of giggles for years afterwards whenever that fleeting memory bubbles to the surface = life, a mixture of good and bad lessons learned from the mundane of everyday experience to the most memorable and significant of occasions. Every person we meet leaves an imprint—whether heavily influencing our existence or only lightly treading on our map of life, we are affected by our surroundings in a way we often do not recognize. You’d be awfully surprised how just a smile can make someone’s day. Let bygones by bygones, kiss them goodbye.

xoxo e


  1. You are so deep and this is why you should have a blog, me on the other hand not so deep and dont have a lot to say. Anyways I really like this and you are such an eloquent writer.

  2. I'm so glad you like it :) You're my first comment!! haha anddd your blog is just as good as mine. Rather than "deep" it's more "corny" hahaa
