Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mindless Wanderings, Wonderings, etc.

I was sitting in my Southern Literature class last night as my professor went over Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" (all about people who are blindly trying to carve out a meaningful existence in the world), doodling. Stars, flowers, hearts, circles, and squiggles of course. I read somewhere that what you doodle may potentially be linked to your innermost subconscious, the feelings embedded so deep within you that you never knew were there. Your mind tends to wonder off, thinking of absolutely nothing, but drawing shapes and figures on scraps of paper, turning boring notes into works of art with a simple BIC pen. There must be something terribly wrong with someone who never doodles. It's a creative outlet for the imagination, the way I see it.

Anyway, I was doodling clouds and suns and moons and tulips and bumble bees, stars and zig zags and sunflowers and daisies, and waves. My mind went with the waves--picturing a vast abyss of ocean, clear blue-green waters crashing into white foam, sun glistening off the top of the silky smooth surface with glittering light, and the faint, crooning sound of crash, crash, crash, crash. That's inspiration, the waves. Next my mind wandered towards inspirational quotes (a weakness of mine), wracking my memory for a good quote to place next to my elementary sketch of the ocean. "Make waves" came to mind, which may have a negative connotation for many people, but I wrote it anyway. I suppose you could view the phrase as a sort of anthem against the inactivity of character...those who "make waves" don't "go with the flow"; rather, they strive to make an impact through their actions, ambitions, what have you whether the world views them positively or not.

I don't entirely know where this post is going...perhaps it's a perfect parallel to my doodling. Doodling is a visual stream of consciousness. I suppose my subconscious is telling me not to go with the flow, but to make waves. If you want to be remembered, you have to stand out. If you want to promote change, you have to voice yourself. You have to make waves.
xoxo e


  1. i never knew how doodling could be so deep but wow my doodles aren't as cool as yours hahah Anyways nice post, keep up the good work!!hahah

  2. HAHAHA Danielle. We've discussed that I'm not deep but....I'll accept the compliment. I've decided that this blog may really help me with my writing style haha
