Thursday, June 17, 2010

This Blog Post Will Knock Your Socks Off

HAHA just kidding.

Anyway, now that I’ve lulled you here under false pretenses, I want to tell you how much I am obsessed with the Elephant Auto Insurance commercial on TV.

It’s awesome.

Here’s why:

First of all, the narrator/announcer/mysterious voice in the commercial has an accent. And we all know that I love those.

Secondly, the cartoon elephant in the commercial is gigantic in size and has apparently been let loose in an urban environment to wreak havoc on the buildings and crush them with his yeti-like strength. I imagine his name would be Tantor. Or Ivan. The commercial viewers are, in no doubt, in awe of the elephant and its awesomeness, and therefore are captivated by Elephant Auto Insurance.

Thirdly, if you really stop to think about it, the only thing that the commercial is saying is that you should pay for Elephant Auto Insurance because the word “elephant” is in the title and because elephants are inanely cool and they can topple buildings, you too can be like an elephant (See Reason #2) with the proper protection from Elephant Auto Insurance. Because the elephant in the commercial is so cute while also obstructing a city at the same time, you forget that there is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between elephants and car insurance and instead you begin to think you need to desperately purchase that car insurance in case your car is crushed by a giant elephant on a rampage through town.

Lastly, I was really super bored of writing this blog post soI typed “Elephant Auto Insurance” into Google Images and this is what I got:

What the heck? This picture literally has as much to do with Elephant Auto Insurance as Elephants have to do with car insurance in general.

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