Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...

…upgrade to Venti Shaken Black Tea Lemonade!

In case you haven’t noticed,


I woke up this morning successfully (meaning I wasn’t late for work, was able to take a leisurely shower, and even put on makeup. It's amazing how different you look if you put in an extra five minutes) and was out the door by 7:25. That gave me five whole extra minutes to get to Short Pump, so I decided to pop into Starbucks to fuel my black tea addiction before mosey-ing into the office at precisely 7:58.

The day went along pretty swimmingly from there (I was on a caffeine high, so life was good), and I even found a ten-dollar bill in my pants pocket.

After a few failed attempts, I was finally able to hijack WiFi from the UPS Store next door on my iPad, and figured out how to download books onto it (Yes, it sounds lame, but it was a milestone for me and my technology). I was pleasantly surprised by the comical genius that is Samantha Bee in her first novel, I know I am, but what are you? I only read a couple pages because I had to get to work, but I made up for it by filing away a giant stack of papers on top of the filing cabinet.

Next thing I knew it was lunchtime, and we had oodles of time to spare. So I finally lost my IHOP virginity and got Double Blueberry Pancakes (which ultimately tasted like you spread a little chunk of heaven onto a flapjack, cooked it in $1 million, and plopped it on my plate) and some OJ.

The rest of the day was semi-uneventful. However, I did hear some old school Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears on the radio on the way home. It only solidified the fact that July 6, 2010 would go down in history as pretty much the best day ever on the face of the Planet.

Plus I wrote two new blog posts! How efficient am I today?

The obvious answer is very.

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